Thursday, 16 April 2015

Day 2 Indonesia

Today I meet with all the other teachers from New Zealand. We learnt some basic  greetings like good morning, good afternoon. 

Tommorow is a busy day, we are visiting our first school and then in the evening we will be visiting the embassy. 

Thank you to all those that helped make loom brackets. The children are going to love them when i give them out tommorow.

Day 2: Question: Look at the picture and find the name of the tour on the front of the book.


  1. Hi Miss P the name of the tour is ACICIS & ASIA NEW ZEALAND FOUNDATION STUDY TOUR
    From Zhali

  2. ACISIS & ASIA NEW ZEALAND Foundation Study Tour

  3. the name of your tour is ACICIS & ASIA NEW ZEALAND FOUNDATION STUDY TOUR. From:Alliyah

  4. ACISIS & ASIA NEW ZEALAND Foundation study tour
