Sunday, 19 April 2015

Day 6 Indonesia

Today we flew to Yogyakarta, it took around an hour on the plane. Yogyakarta is known for its culture, shopping and natural landscape. 

We had beautiful traditional lunch prepared after we arrived. It consisted of rice, tofu curry, fired chicken and fruit.

We then went to a silver making factory where they make beautiful pieces of jewellery.  We saw the talented workers make pendants, broaches. We then got to make our own rings or pendant.

It was time for some bargain hunting and shopping down the Main Street of Yogyakarta.

Open covered over area like a fale used meetings, place to have a meal.

Yummy fruit, small bananas


Silver factory where beautiful pieces of silver jewellery are made 

The silver is the long wire and it crafted in a template

Flower pendant 

Very popular way of getting area town 

Busy street 

The daily newspaper is put up and people form the community come and read it 

Walking through a community side alley 

Question: What are the three pieces of fruit we had for lunch( look at the photo)?


  1. Shannon banana,watermelon,melon.

  2. Watermelons,bananas and rockmelons from Kathryn

  3. Hi Miss P the fruit you had for lunch is watermelon,bananas and rock melon. From Zhali

  4. Watermelon, banana and rock melon From Josh
