Thursday, 16 April 2015

Day 3 Indonesia

Today we went on a 2 hour bus trip to SD GemalaaAnanda which is a elementary school. They have a model learning approach different to the Typical Indonesian schools.

I was lucky enough to visit 3 classes- grade 1, grade 2. Grade 1 is 7 year olds and grade 2, 8 year olds. The children don't start school until they are 7 years old. 

The children wear uniform like our school. They work in groups and pairs similar to our school. It was great seeing what it was like in an Indoneisa school.

This evening we are going to embassy for a special function 
The front of the school.

The school playground.

Children on the mat

Children colouring in.

Children writing letters to an imaginary friend.

Reading books.

Keeping their teeth clean at school.

Delicious lunch made for us.

This would not be allowed in New
Zealand but this is how many children trav.

Question 3 Day 3: How long did it take to get to the school on the bus?  


  1. Glad to see you enjoying yourself there Ms Peauafi. Pass on the best regards from St Joes. The imaginary friends the children are writing to could be from Rooms 5-8 in the future? That would be nice.

  2. Hi Miss P it took 2 hours to get to school on the bus.
    From Zhali

  3. 2 hours Jordon room 6

  4. 2 hours Alani

  5. 2 hours Matthew

  6. Hi miss p I think it took you 2hours on the bus from keely

  7. Shannon room 6.2 hours.
